Friday 28 February 2014

At last ...

Finally the waiting is over and our new furry little friends have arrived in Room 3. We have opted for traditional names for the two little brothers: Peter and Benjamin (although, as we know, the originals were cousins). Peter and Benjamin were collected on Tuesday at lunchtime and during the course of the afternoon, very quickly started to explore their new home. They settled immediately and it wasn't long before it was felt that they were ready to come out and be cuddled.

The word quickly spread around Beckenham School and older brothers, sisters and cousins of Room 3 children, along with unrelated, but unable-to-resist, others quickly flocked to view and hold Peter and Benjamin. Some of the older students are devoted regulars, coming back every day, before and/or after school.

Please let us know if you are willing to be part of our weekend roster. We'll have a clipboard near the classroom door, where you are able to sign up. Gail is very happy to drop the bunnies around on a Friday night and collect them again on Monday morning, if transportation is a problem!

Preparing the home for its new occupants 

Hanging the bunnies' toy up

"There! All set!"

Peter and Benjamin explore their new residence and seem to approve

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