Friday 28 February 2014

We love painting

Come into Room 3 and have a look at our self portrait paintings. We absolutely love painting! We are learning about how to make the colours that we want, but don't have, in our paint trays. We can tell you how to make orange and green and purple. Oh ... and brown!!!


In Room 3 last week, our shared book was called Bubbles. On Friday we made our own bubble mixture using water, dishwashing liquid and glycerine (to make the bubbles stronger).
Oh, what fun to go outside in the windy, stormy weather on Friday afternoon and experiment with our bubble blowers and our bubble mixture to see how big and how strong our bubbles could be!

Maddie's rats

We loved having Maddie come to help us out in Room 3. What a surprise when she brought her pet rats along with her one Friday!! We all agreed that they are very, very cute.

Making ice cream

One Friday Funday, the children in Room 3 made banana and chocolate chip ice cream. It was lots of fun to make and VERY simple; you need some cream, some condensed milk and any fruit you might like for flavouring.
We mashed the banana ...

took turns to whip the cream ...

stirred in the condensed milk ...
added the chocolate chips ...

poured the mixture into a container to put in the freezer ...

and then cleaned up!

Time to taste the frozen product ...

yum ...

yum ...

yum ...


Independent reading

After morning tea each day, the children in Room 3 join up with other children in their reading group to read familiar books from their group browsing box.

We love your independent reading, children!

Kitty Cat keeps us very entertained!

Sometimes we read to ourselves and sometimes we read to a friend.

Peter and Benjamin meet their new friends

Peter and Benjamin are never short of caring, gentle cuddles from Room 3 children, as well as older students who have heard about the bunnies' arrival.

At last ...

Finally the waiting is over and our new furry little friends have arrived in Room 3. We have opted for traditional names for the two little brothers: Peter and Benjamin (although, as we know, the originals were cousins). Peter and Benjamin were collected on Tuesday at lunchtime and during the course of the afternoon, very quickly started to explore their new home. They settled immediately and it wasn't long before it was felt that they were ready to come out and be cuddled.

The word quickly spread around Beckenham School and older brothers, sisters and cousins of Room 3 children, along with unrelated, but unable-to-resist, others quickly flocked to view and hold Peter and Benjamin. Some of the older students are devoted regulars, coming back every day, before and/or after school.

Please let us know if you are willing to be part of our weekend roster. We'll have a clipboard near the classroom door, where you are able to sign up. Gail is very happy to drop the bunnies around on a Friday night and collect them again on Monday morning, if transportation is a problem!

Preparing the home for its new occupants 

Hanging the bunnies' toy up

"There! All set!"

Peter and Benjamin explore their new residence and seem to approve

Thursday 27 February 2014